My name is Ramona Toth. I live and work as a business unit manager in a non-profit NGO (FAB) in Salzburg/Austria. I have been working as a trainer/consultant (online and offline) in my own practice since 2005.

My professional background: supervisor, coach, mediation teacher, educationalist, cultural sociologist and university general manager. 

As a consultant I help people in professional as well as private contexts to gain clarity about their goals, person as well as relationships and to find ways to implement their concerns. The side effects are inner peace, joy and well-being.

Why I do what I do?

I think that my name and my date of birth (Halloween) were decisive for my passionate interest in the topics of life and death. I was constantly confronted with my last name and birthday and was fascinated by them even in elementary school when I could understand the two terms. I wanted to know everything about it - especially how to best deal with it. I took life as far as I could, with everything that went with it - good as well as bad. This was possible because my parents did not command or forbid me anything (for which I am very grateful in retrospect) and always made me understand that they trusted me and that I "knew what was right and wrong". Of course, as a young person I didn't know that and drifted through life like a leaf in the wind, doing what I wanted, traveling the world and bumping my head very often. Accordingly, I had to "spoon up" the soup I had baked myself.

Already as a teenager, to my great fortune, a Buddhist teacher accompanied me on my journey through life. So I learned to work with my consciousness instead of running away from it. I deepened my knowledge of human consciousness and my practice of self-reflection. Obviously, my social environment perceived very soon that I could quickly get to the point, create clarity and open perspectives. For as long as I can remember, I have been requested as a "counselor" by friends and acquaintances. My vocation was crystal clear and I still enjoy it!

My goal as a consultant: The client should
  • get an idea of where he/she wants to go
  • be aware of his/her own effectiveness to move in that direction
  • be aware that it is hard work he/she is doing
  • and march off

What is especially close to my heart in my consultations is to provide people with knowledge about the functions of consciousness and to accompany them in gaining more clarity and, above all, personal freedom, in all aspects of their lives.

If you are interested, you are welcome to arrange a free initial consultation with me!